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The Wish

A novel by Nicholas Sparks

Another book has touched my heart, a truthfully soul refreshing and different perspective of life. I would totally recommend this book. It was newly release just couple of months ago and I was so excited that I got the copy of this as soon it was released. At first I find the story scattered and no where to lead but i’m not really the person who will cut the book and just move on. It is quite slow and stories are bits here and there. When you don’t stop reading, you know that at some point it will stitch one to another and that was what kept me going. The curiosity to go further on each story.

It is indeed, a magnificent writing, inspiring and beautiful story of love, friendship, and family. I believe this story has to happen in real life, that is what makes it so tender and worth it. I know for sure, every time a book makes me speechless at the end of the pages, or more like closer to the end chapter. A book that makes me no words to describe, that I pick up a lot of learnings, growth, most especially a bigger perspective of life and hope. Reading is one way to adapt and learn new direction of thoughts and way of thinking. I became more deep thinker by reading and writing. Analyzing facts and to broaden the imagination and the possibility of applying it in real life. In this generation, the impossible could be possible. As the human kind evolves, we become more flexible. New terminology are formed, in the field of medicine, technology, regulation and the way of how life has been changing.

I am so delighted to have read this book. Nicholas always amazed me by all of his well written books and also in transforming into films. Every inch of this book is rewarding and lovely as always. A novel that takes you to other story of life where you become part of each details. A simple self treatment and care for me to have this book. I am in love.

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