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We Sinners

It was a stunning debut novel by the author’s own life experience according to her publisher. It was suburb story of one big Catholic family who has numerous issues. That sometimes even religious a family could still have difficulties and hardships. I think the purpose of this book is to enlighten us how much faith we have even at times of crisis in the family.

“We Sinners take a family of nine, heavily embroiled in a severe form of Finnish Lutheranism that sets the children apart from anyone who isn't from the church, and spends about a chapter on each child as they grow up and have their own families.”(by Excerpt)

I could say every part is exciting and can really drag to the certain part that it could happen in parts of your life. It is right that on how many times we ask God for forgiveness and devoted to him, sometimes we still keep on hurting him without us knowing. Because we always look what we want, being selfish. It is so refreshing to read such a beautiful story like this.

I definitely recommend this book and will probably help you to enlighten your faith and believe in God.

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