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One Step at a Time

Months already had a pass and the waiting will have an end. Moving to another country is really a process and testing of patience. Long before, they said moving to another country is quite easy than today. It’s just so happened that people are becoming more upright and technology is becoming excessive. That is today and the next will be unbelievable history.

As I continue my paths here in America and as I get closer to my future, things became more visible and worthwhile. It brightens me up as I eventually climbing to those rough stairs of triumph. I never experience this feeling before, but all I know as I get started; my life here is a double up my happiness than I get a job in the Philippines. All I hope right now that the blessings will consistently come on my way. I really believe to the saying hard work, paid off and sacrifices have its fruitful blessings.

In all aspects of life, we learn to give and take. Not all we want will go in our way, sometimes we need to get hurt enable to grow and learn. Everything is one step at a time, so you will receive what’s best for you. Sometimes long process, rules & regulations are the best to follow even though we always find the easiest way to aim at it. But the good thing about waiting is forever will be priceless without any flaws.

This short article will just to let you know that even though how hard things might be, there is hope. And the painful memories or happenings are a lesson that turns to be good memories. Learning to wait for the right place and time is one way to success. Thank you for your time reading this simple reflection of mine. I hope as you read this I can put a smile on your face and helps you to enlighten to some of your circumstances like I’m in this present.

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